Friday, May 12, 2006

Top-secret news

I'm sworn to secrecy about a new development here at the office, but I don't think I can wait until fall to tell someone!

We are working with a prominent, Beau-Tie-wearing public figure to develop a new design in his honor. This esteemed gentleman will be celebrating a major milestone in the near future. I only wish I could tell you his name.

Any guesses?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Like-minded men

I guess I'm doing okay at this blogging thing, seeing as many of you have taken the time to read (and comment upon) my musings! Thank you!

Some of your thoughts and suggestions on new designs and patterns have me really excited. Butterflies, architecture, church insignia all are good ideas. Stay tuned to see whether (or when) these inspirations might turn into realities.