Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I'm flattered

Here's an interesting blog,and not only because it decided to focus an entry on my company. I'm really proud of what we do here, and that we make all of our bow ties right here in Middlebury. Not only does it give us complete quality control, it also provides good-paying jobs to Vermonters. Those can be pretty scarce.

Some people may say I work in a hen house of sorts. I am one of three men on our entire staff. Our seamstresses all happen to be women. They're dedicated, exceptionally good people, and extremely talented at what they do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My daughter and her squeeze moved just this week to S. Burlington. When they were house hunting a couple of weeks ago, they drove over to your store and bought me a bowtie and pocket square. What a surprize!

I have been a customer since about 2000 and LUV your products and service.

I am also a college professor and use your company and products often as an example in my Strategic Management class. In addition, I present live seminars and always wear on of your ties as does my partner.

Finally, I am a high school sports official, and often arrive at the soccer pitch or volleyball court in my three piece suit and one of your ties!

Keep up the excellent work and thank you.

Dr. Thomas Badley
Memphis, Michigan